Cornish Rex Cat

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Colors: White, Blue, Black, Cream, Red, Brown, Frost, Platinum, Fawn, Chocolate, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Lavender, Champagne, Seal
Average Size: Weight: 8 lbs (3.6 kg) Length: Short
Life Span: 9-13 yrs
Coat: Rex
Personality: Crimped
Characteristics: Energy: Calm     Talkative: High     Kid Friendly: Yes    Allergic: No

The first Cornish Rex cat was born in 1950 as a result of a genetic mutation from a litter of kittens on one farm in Cornwall, UK. One kitten, that was a male, had a very unusual fur – curly and fine, and he was the first Cornish Rex.

This is actually a domestic cat breed and has no hair except for down. They have three different coat types – outer fur that is 5to 10 cm long, middle layer called awn hair and down hair (undercoat) that is 1 cm long and also very fine. This curly fur is caused by a mutation gene which is not the same of the Devon Rex cat breed.

The fur of Cornish Rex cats is extremely fine and sometimes curly. It is also the softest fur than any other cat breed has. Due to their unusually thin coat, it is the best for them to be kept and to live indoors in dry and warm conditions. If they stay on the cold for a lot of time, they suffer from hypothermia. Their body temperature is higher than in other cats (39 °C – 102 °F).

What is interesting for this cat breed is that they have an unusual mild cheesy smell due to the scent glands in their paws. These cats have a very sleek body and very interesting galloping run characteristics. They are very playful and seem as if they remain small kittens in their mind even when adult. Most of them like to play fetch and to do acrobatic jumps. The Cornish Rex cats are very intelligent and very adventurous. They easily adapt to new situations, they are curious and like the company of people. Also, they are very friendly towards other animals which makes them ideal pets, even for families with small children.

The Cornish Rex cats come in a variety of coat colours and patterns – smoke colours, tortoiseshell, tabby, cream, lilac, orange, blue, chocolate, black, white, etc.

These cats might groom even more than other ordinary cats, therefore they are not recommended for people with allergies.

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