Cat Breed Selector – Which Cat is right for me?

This test can recommend breeds that suits best for your properties and circumstances. Do also discuss with owners and breeders to find the best breed under real conditions. Please be aware that it does not replace the comprehensive research/information on a breed.

Highlight a question as “important” if you want it to weight more! (For example if you want to find a short-haired breed, highlight that answer as “important”

As result you will see five breeds with appropriate percentages according to the test.

Which size would you prefer for your cat?


Which bodytype should your cat have?


What coat length would you prefer?


How much grooming would your cat receive each week?


What colour are you looking for?


How active would you like your cat to be?


Would you prefer a cat that is likely to be a good companion?


Do you want a ‘talkative’ cat?


Where will your cat spend most of it's time?



  • Long Haired Thai Cat That Look’s Like A Siamese Persion Cat.
    We Had Ours For Like 13 Years And He Got Out The House From One Of The Kids Who Took The Trash out And Left the Screen Door open while doing. We made Flyers And looked everywhere For Him his name was Fatty!!! And He had A big Ol Skunks Tail We Just Loved It Because at Night Time When We Would Sit Outside on the porch At night with the kids He would come out with us and would not go anywhere. But we think our son was taking the trash out before school and he had left the screen door open and he got out we no that’s what happened because our kids are bad for that lol! But we really miss our cat even the town pound is helping us look for him but i think the kid’s and the fiance and me give up im pretty sure she has gotten picked up and they don’t want to give her back whomever Has him Because he was a very beautiful cat and everyone wanted our cat even when he was a kitten people would beg us to sell him You Would Just Had To See Him To Understand Even our Dog Misses The Cat He Was The King Of The Castle Well This One Anyway Sorry So Long We All Had To Get It Off Our Chest But Didn’t Mean To MakeThis So Long Im Sorry But I Didnt Use To Be A Cat Person Not Until We Got Fatty As A Tiny Kitten When His Mom Had Him!! But That’s What We Are Looking For Or A Scottish Fold And We Like Big Fat Cats Or Cats That Are Going To Grow And Get Fat But Not A Overweight Cat I Want It To Grow Healthy But Fat!! THANK’S IN ADVANCE!!

  • American Bobtail (55.56%)
    Kurilian Bobtail (55.56%)
    Ojos Azules (55.56%)
    Persian (55.56%)
    Napoleon cat (55.56%)

    I love persian

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