California Spangled Cat

Country of Origin: United States
Colors: Bronze, gold, blue, brown, charcoal, red, black, silver, or white
Average Size: Weight: 8-15 lbs (3.6 – 6.8 kg)     Length: Medium
Life Span: 9-16 years
Coat: Short
Personality: Affectionate, social, curious, and extremely devoted to their owners
Characteristics: Energy: Active     Talkative: Little     Kid Friendly: Yes       Allergic: No

California Spangled cat resembles a lot wild cats such as leopard or ocelot but is in fact a breed of domestic cat. This is a rare and expensive cat breed which was originally bred in the 1980s and it is very important to note that today there are only around 200 such cats in existence.

The history of the origin of California Spangled cat is quite interesting. The truth is that for this we can thank to the anthropologist Louis Leakey who was inspired by the poaching death of leopards, and it was him who motivated a breeder from California to breed a domestic cat that will resemble a small leopard. This way he wanted just to emphasize how important it is to preserve this beautiful animal – the leopards.

California Spangled cats are a crossbreed of many strains- British Shorthair, American Shorthair and Abyssinian cats. Even though this cat breed has a sort of a wild appearance, the thing is that they are completely domestic.

California Spangled cats look like a small leopard. They have large whisker pads, and even though they look wild, they love to interact and play with people. They have a long muscular body along with round, blockish spots. However, some cats have spots in different shapes – square, oval or triangular, which is also acceptable. California Spangled cats come in following colours – blue, gold, bronze, silver, black, brown, charcoal or white.

California Spangled cats are social, curious and affectionate and are very devoted to their owners. They like action, and love the company of humans. These cats are very well known for their intelligence, high energy level, athletic abilities, etc. They have very good hunting skills and love to get involved in games that require participation of humans. They also are capable of acrobatic high jumps, so when kept indoors it is suggested that their owners keep their fragile valuables safely stored where they can’t be reached.

1 Comment

  • This cat is a crossed breed of many strains but more likely a small leopard. California Spangled Cat has different colors. They are belonged to medium-sized cats. They have strong, tubular body and spotted coat that will give an illusion in the wilderness. This cat is healthy and didn’t much require grooming because of their short hair. This breed of cat enjoys the company of people and other cats but didn’t have objection being an only cat. They are affectionate, social, curious and extremely devoted to their owners. They are active in all activities inside the house and they are kid-friendly.

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